Aerial view of Manhattan skyline at sunset, New York City
Picture of Giselle Schuetz

Giselle Schuetz

Of Counsel

Giselle leads the firm's LGBTQ practice. She has helmed major class actions, briefed and argued single and multi Plaintiff cases throughout the country and is regarded as an extraordinarily dedicated advocate for the firm's clients.

Giselle attended Harvard University and the CUNY School of Law, where she was a Haywood Burns Fellow in Civil and Human Rights. During law school Giselle participated in the Economic Justice Project and Elder Law clinics, and served as Special Events Editor of the New York City Law Review. Her summer internships included the Urban Justice Center and Lambda Legal.

Prior to joining Employment Law Firm PC, Giselle volunteered in the Employment Law Unit of the Legal Aid Society of New York, where she represented workers in unemployment insurance hearings.

Giselle lives in NY with her wife and two children.


J.D., CUNY School of Law
Participated in the Economic Justice Project and Elder Law clinics
Special Events Editor, New York City Law Review

B.A., Harvard University

Speaking Engagements
Nela/NY 2023 Fall Conference panelist: 
Nuts & Bolts of Hostile Work Environment Cases