Aerial view of Manhattan skyline at sunset, New York City

Pregnancy Discrimination

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination by employers against pregnant employees. This means that your employer may not take an adverse action against you because you are pregnant, because you gave birth to a child, or because you have medical conditions related to your pregnancy or childbirth. Although the Pregnancy Discrimination Act does not require that employers give special treatment to pregnant employees, it does require employers to treat pregnant employees identically to non-pregnant employees. For example, if your employer holds jobs open for employees on sick or disability leave, it must do so for pregnant employees. Also, health insurance and other benefits must be provided equally to pregnant and non-pregnant employees. In short, all terms and conditions of employment must be applied equally to all employees, regardless of pregnancy.

E-mail your question about Pregnancy Discrimination.

You may call or fax me if you prefer:
Employment Law Firm PC
Representing Victims of Pregnancy Discrimination Law for more than 15 Years
Phone: 888-369-1119 Fax: 866-731-5553

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