Aerial view of Manhattan skyline at sunset, New York City

In the Press

Read More in Our BlogNine women say doctor sexually harassed them at Encompass Health Colorado SpringsFormer employees of Annandale Millwork in Winchester allege years of sexual harassment - Watch news videoFinding the Soft Underbelly of Defendants

In this podcast called "The Hunt for the Soft Underbelly" Joshua Friedman of Employment Law Firm PC discusses strategies for bringing employers, insurers and defense firms to their senses. When victims speak out on social media, blogs and traditional media, to tell their stories, and ask the public to pass judgment, no amount of insurance or legal maneuvering will protect Defendants.

Racial Harassment at U of I Judge nixes Newport News Industrial’s bid for 22 separate jury trials in race discrimination case Four years on, race discrimination case against Newport News Industrial still moving forward More workers, new allegations in race discrimination case against Newport News Industrial Lawsuit alleges race discrimination at division of Huntington Ingalls Northern High School Racial Discrimination Suit, Port Huron, MI 60 Victims of Racial Harassment Sue G.E. University Club Sexual Harassment Case, New York, NY Housing Sexual Harassment Ex-Latin student seeks 'justice': New Fairfield High grad sues school district for sexual harassment from teacher Race Complaints Abroad—Wild West Environment Halliburton Subsidiary KBR Is Accused of Bias Arbiters of Bias in Securities Industry Have Slight Experience in Labor Law Surreptitious Taping Used in Bias Suit That Names Citibank Northern parents file suit in racial incidents Some say action is a wake-up call Racist flier disgusts Port Huron neighborhood Northern parents: School 'ready to erupt' Lawyer has won similar lawsuits Resident Evil Noose, Swastikas Reported On U Of I Campus Swastikas, noose found on University of Illinois campus