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Racial Slurs, Racial Harassment and Racial Discrimination

Racial Slurs, Offensive Racial Speech, Racial Jokes and Racial Symbols, Discriminatory Pay and Promotion, at Work


Many employees who are being harassed just want to make it stop and see that the wrongdoer is punished. It is important that you understand that Human Resources exists to protect your employer, not you. What you tell Human Resources may get back to the person you are complaining about. Retaliation is common.

If you are going to complain to Human Resources you need to go armed with with evidence your harasser cannot deny. We may be able to advise you (always without charge) how to collect the necessary evidence. If you want to know whether you have enough evidence to sue we can often advise you without charge. We never charge a fee unless you obtain financial recovery. All consultations are strictly confidential.

What Sort of Conduct May Be Illegal?

Racial slurs, directed at you, or another person of your race, which you heard, or heard repeated. Racial slurs are offensive words used to describe persons of a race, a particular color, country or faith.

Racial jokes, that portray persons of your race, color, faith or country in a negative way may be illegal. The fact that someone is joking does not make their conduct acceptable.

Racial cartoons, which portray persons of your race, color, faith or country in a negative way, may be illegal.

Offensive symbols, such as the noose, the confederate flag, Klu Klux Klan (KKK) hats or robes, Nazi paraphernalia, and other symbols of racist beliefs, are almost always illegal in the workplace.

Preserve evidence: Racial comments are often texted, or emailed. Save them. Take a photo with your cell phone of offensive postings if you are allowed to have a camera/phone at work. Ask your coworkers for signed statements; once you make a complaint to Human Resources, they will be too scared. Before you secretly record a conversation, make sure it is legal in your state, and understand that the consequences of getting caught may be getting fired.

Racial Discrimination at Work

It is illegal for an employer to make decisions such as pay, promotion, training and discipline based on your race. If employees who are not of your race are being favored, and they have no more education, experience or skills than you, this is evidence of race discrimination.

If you think you are being racially harassed or discriminated against at work, please email us any questions you have, call us at 888-369-1119 x1 or fill out one of our forms online. Your consultation will be free and confidential.

Employment Law Firm PC
Representing Victims of Racial Harassment since 2003
- All correspondence strictly confidential -